NDSU Technical lead participant support

Funded by the State of North Dakota and North Dakota State University’s Research and Creative Activity office, the NDSU Technical Lead (TL) Participant Support program offers up to $3,000 to aid Technical Leads of current and past I-Corps teams in furthering their customer discovery journey. While I-Corps typically covers travel costs for only entrepreneurial leads, this fund expands opportunities by allowing technical leads to be reimbursed for travel or other activities directly related to customer discovery. These funds will strengthen I-Corps Technical Leads customer discovery activities as they ensure their innovations are continually aligned with market demands and opportunities.
All NDSU travel policies must be followed. Awardees will work with the I-Corps Project Coordinator to arrange travel and coordinate reimbursement.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Open to NDSU faculty that have served or are currently serving as Technical Lead of an I-Corps Team.
- Name
- Contact Information
- I-Corps Team Name/Number
- Budget Justification
For additional questions, email michelle.ciesielski@ndsu.edu.